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WigsDeals Help & FAQ

Simply enter the brand name or website in the search box, and you'll be taken to the brand page or find all the coupons of this brand.

Coupons with a verified label have been verified by our coupon specialists, so feel free to use them.

Read the coupon title and description carefully to find the one best suits your need.
Click the "Get Deal" or "Get Code", after which you will be directed to the very product page you're interested in.
For a promo code, remember click "copy" to save it to the clipboard, and paste it in the code box at checkout.
Once the promo code is applied, you'll get your savings.

1. Be sure to copy and paste the code exactly as it's listed, with no extra spaces. Then look through the title and the description, and do as what you are told.

2. Though our coupon specialists do their best to validate offers that flood in every day. Unfortunately, we're sorry but it's a fact that some offers with a short validation period may expire soon.

3. You can try other available coupons or just wait for new offers released.

You can submit your coupon on the Coupon Submission Page, and we also set coupon submission entrance on each brand page.

1. Make sure that you have submitted the coupon completely and accurately by following the according steps. Otherwise, we'll not approve your submission.

2. There will be a 1-2 day delay for our review. Specially when it comes to weekend, the delay will be about 3 business days.

Send us your store info or the coupons you want to edit via email, we'll help deal with that asap.

Reach our partnership team via email and be specific with your business inquiry, our staff will contact you soon.

We prevent our site from bad bot. If your access is blocked, it means we have detected abnormal behaviour from your IP address. If you believe you are blocked by mistake, feel free to contact us.